Projects in progress - Camacho Fernández


Supervision of Circunvalación Norte route

Structural supervision of bridges and overpasses.

Supervision of the expansion of National Route 32

Structural supervision of vehicular bridges, culverts, pedestrian bridges, and overpasses. Environmental Supervision (Regency and Environmental Management) and Occupational Health Supervision.

Rehabilitation of the Tárcoles River Bridge

Diagnosis of the current condition (detailed inspection), design and specifications of the intervention works for the bridge over the Tárcoles River, located on National Route 34, as well as improvements to the existing crosswalks, in order to comply with current regulations and guarantee the safety of users.

Secondary accesses RN27

Structural, geometric and pavement design, hydrological and hydraulic studies, geotechnical studies, topographical studies, detailed budget for 12 interlocking plots.

Muellero Park

The architectural space has a peculiar design that extends along 800 meters in front of the sea, between the Pacific Marine Park and the Puntarenas Tourist Pier on the Paseo de los Turistas.
